Author: Len Corcoran

Blessed are they who mourn…not only brings comfort by grieving what they do to themselves, but also it provides almost a miraculous way of avoiding the main woes we suffer. Obviously, if we do not take in “their stuff” then we have nothing to forgive. But even more significantly, we do not create and store hatreds and resentments! Read that over and over. Just imagine what your life will be like without the feelings of resentment stored – and released whenever you encounter that person. Just think of how relationships can be changed into ones of love.
At first glance, the second Beatitude does not make sense. How can we mourn and be comforted in the “NOW”? The Beatitude suggests that the person with a Concern for Christ can transform the mind from a “belief-feeling-reaction” to an activity of the rational mind – and grieve what the other person is doing to themselves. When we are angry with someone else, we are putting anger into our systems. How long do we stay angry? I know many who have made it a life-long misery. We need to grieve such people. Let’s examine the process involved.
Even prior to birth, a child is learning the fundamentals of communication. This learning continues through the first five years and include:
1. Memory data stored
2. Decision on their relationships to others
3. Appropriate behavior

MEMORY (Ego States)
Prior to birth, the child starts storing emotions in the context of the environment. A child of an alcoholic may start storing “anxiety” as early as six months in the womb. Eric Berne, founder of Transactional Analysis, provided a useable model for the emotions stored: